Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

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Muzaeni Frida Fathurahman (1123301196)
6 PAI 1



            A country has conducted the education for their nation is merely have an intention to make their society become clever, increase their knowledge for their own prosperity that will make the country become as a part of developed country then. But, sometimes, the development of education in a country needs to see the advancement of education that have been reached by the others country. That’s why in the way of developing the education, a country needs to compare their education system with the others country. They have to know the similarities and its distinctive, strength and its weaknesses, then adopt the positive side and adjust with the local milieu.
            United State of America (U.S.A) and Canada are both instance of developed countries that have had a good system of education. Both countries have given a significant role to develop the students to reach their high quality of competence. As the comparison, it has been started by the center and southern of American countries that’s very interesting to be discussed.
            By knowing the comparison of those educations in America peninsula, it has a wish that we can understand, appreciate each other, and increase the international cooperation in education field. Moreover, when the distances  country no longer become an obstacle, and getting closer by the sophisticated of information and technology. By understanding education system in the other countries, especially in advanced countries such as USA and Canada, we can begin the renewal of our education system.

A.      Education in Canada
The development of education in Canada is analogously with the influence of the Church or the religion side.[1] Even, as historically, most of high education institution in Canada are built by those clan.
The impact of social, economy, politic, and religion that build the education in Canada are determined by several aspects, by applying new concept concerning on the opportunity to get the education for all people.

1.      Education System
Education in Canada is divided into 3 levels. The first is the elementary education which include of pre-school education, either in Kindergarten or pre-kindergarten and elementary school. The curriculum in elementary school include material that concerning on language, Math, Social, and introducing to Sciences and art.
The second is middle level (secondary) that commonly applied in Canada in formation of 6-3-3, where 6 years last in elementary school, 3 years last in junior high school, and 3 years last in senior high school. But, the difference of duration in this secondary school can be occurred between one province and the other province. This middle education is directed to both continuation, that’s preparation to enter the college, and as the preparation to certain skill/expertise.
The third is post secondary education that include of college, high school, and the other similar one. In high education level, some university use English as the delivering language. For instance in Alberta, British-Columbia, and Toronto. There is, also, which use French as the delivering language. For instance in Montreal University and Quebec University.  Beside it, there is also that use both English and French as delivering language, for instance in Ottawa University.
There are more than 165 of college communities, and 80 of university and high school that award the academic title.[2] Some high school award the academic title is shaped as follows:
a.       University, awards the academic title of Bachelor (i.e. B.A; B.Sc.), Magister title (M.A., M.Sc., MLIS), and Doctoral title (Ph. D., and etcetera).
b.      Liberal Art College, awards the title of Bachelor, Magister, and Doctor.
c.       Institute, which especially award the title of certain field, for instance in field of Islamic Studies, that have been done by McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Islamic studies that exist in some university in Canada are very important for Indonesia, especially for IAIN (State Institute on Islamic Studies). After the first phase of Islamic Education in Indonesia is based on Mecca, and the second is the Cairo, so the third phase was built about on 1970, that the Islamic Studies is oriented to western and Europe, including Canada. McGill University is one of university whose Islamic Studies is used by many students or lecturer in wholeness of IAIN in Indonesia.

2.      Educator
     The teachers of elementary education are trained in high school and it’s organized by Ministry of Education, and the teachers of middle education are provided by several Education Faculty in many university. The alumnus are awarded a certificate by Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education has responsibility in planning and distributing the curriculum of elementary and secondary school program, as well as be prepared by committee where it’s including the teachers, headmasters, supervisors, and personnel of university.

3.      Methods and Materials
Most of methods and materials for subject matter in the school and high school in Canada is oriented to the books although in the recent time prefer to used the audiovisual, team teaching, programmed-instructional, radio and television of education program.[3] There is trend that services of library in Canada are getting increase and provided to elementary school, secondary school, high school, or university. All the services are provided to encourage the student in order to they do study and develop their skill and ability. In many examples, teachers and students work together in designing and developing the program and education project, and it’s one of approach that can be found out in all levels of education in Canada.

B.   Education in United State of America (U.S.A)
            United State of America is a Country that prominently nicknamed as “Paman Sam” and located in Washington as Capital City, have a landmass about 9.327.610 Km2 and have reached until 258.103.721 of citizenry in 1993.
            The history of USA shows the significant dynamic of development. Since age of colonialism until the building of state, revolution by revolution are kept running especially in education field that develop faster than prediction. The education has been set by the administration of USA to be an agent of change and institution for develop all aspect of advancement in USA.

1.      The Aim of Education
          Generally, the aims of education of USA are formed in 5 points as follows:
a.       Gaining the unity in diversity.
b.      Developing the zealous and implementation democracy.
c.       Help the development of individual.
d.      Improving the bad condition of society.
e.       Expediting the advancement of the state. 
2.    Education System
          The politic of education in USA has a characteristic that it’s formed as decentralization that mandated to regional administration.[4] The conduction and system management of education in USA are set by Unified School District (USA). USD manages the elementary school, junior high school, and high school. Elementary is lasted for 6 years, junior high school for 2 years, and high school for 4 years.
          Most of students in USA went on elementary and middle education for 12 years. By experience of diploma of high school, a student can enter to the college, university, vocational high school, secretary administration school or the other vocational school. Following this are the details of education levels in USA.
a.       Elementary and secondary education
Elementary school is begun at age of 6. They can follow the education for 5 or 6 years. After that, they can enter the secondary school that include of 2 or 3 years of education program, and 3 or 4 years for senior high school program.
b.      High education
After graduate from senior high school, students can continue their education in high school or university. Studying in high school and university is objected to reach the academic title (B.A) or Bachelor as strata-1 education program. The next level after that is known as graduate (lecture of bachelor), or postgraduate.
c.       High school can be followed in several institution as follows:
1)      State College or University, this institution is managed by government.
2)      Private College that managed by private institution, and commonly, the fund is more expensive than the State College.
3)      Two Years College is one of College that conducting the education for 2 years and award the academic title of Associate, and it can be used to apply the job.
4)      Community College, it’s the state college that running for 2 years.
5)      Professional School. This institution trains the students in fields of vocational such as arts, music, civil engineering, and the other.
6)      Institute of Technology. This institution offers the education at least 4 years in field science and technology.
7)      Technical Institute. This institute trains the students in field such as medico or civil engineering of industry.
8)      Church-related School. It’s the institute that conducted by religion clan.
3.      Instructional Methods
      In many aspects of educational system in USA are different with the other countries, including the instructional methods and levels of education.[5] The values of individual and honesty are emphasized in context of policy and instructional methods in USA. Several instructional methods are commonly used in USA as follows:
a.       Lecture. The most common of instructional methods is in the classroom. This lecture is supported by class discussion (especially in small class) and group discussion (especially in big class) and done by reading the text book’s assignment or library’s books, and sometimes do the routine of written-assignment.
b.      Seminar. It’s accommodated for the small class. This seminar is usually conducted in undergraduate levels. In the seminar, all times are focused to the discussion. The students are often required to make some presentation that based on literatures or their autonomy research.
c.       Laboratory. Some lecturing needs the practice in laboratory. Theories in the class are applied to accomplish the practice problem.[6]
d.      Research. Many lecturing activity are required to write down the “research” or “paper”. Paper is based on studies or research that accomplished in library and laboratory. A lecturer usually gives the task to arrange the paper at the beginning of lecture activity. The students have to accomplish the task for a semester and submit it at the very end of semester.


Assegaf, Abd. Rachman. 2003. Internasionalisasi Pendidikan: Sketsa Perbandingan Pendidikan di Negara-Negara Islam dan Barat. Yogyakarta: Gama Media.

[1] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan: Sketsa Perbandingan Pendidikan di Negara-Negara Islam dan Barat, (Yogyakarta: Gama Media, 2003), page 212.
[2] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan,  page 215.
[3] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan,  page 218-219.
[4] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan,  page 228.
[5] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan,  page 241.
[6] Abd. Rachman Assegaf, Internasionalisasi Pendidikan,  page 241.


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